Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's a good time to be a Philadelphian

Last night, as I swooped around a pole on the North side of city hall, and looked around at so many smiling, high-fiving, statue-climbing Philadelphian denizens, I felt very alive. Philadelphia is first at something.

The sentiment is usually the force that makes me lean away from sports-the inherent conquering motif. Last night, though, it was hard to abandon the feeling of distinct deservedness that came with the Phillies World Series win. Not to mention, baseball has a semantic quality more rich than proverbial apple pie.

Today, with little sleep, I feel unusually alive in tackling some of the problems that face my work in the arts world. Folk arts are underfunded, economic pundits claim that every arts association will be hit harder than other industry organizations, and music education is diminishing. But I won't be beaten by this.

We are the champions...

I am looking forward to this upcoming show, and the beginning to a partnership with Allen's Lane Art Center.

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